Wisdom Teeth Removal
Oral Examination for Extraction of Wisdom Teeth
With an examination of the oral cavity as well as x-rays of the mouth, Dr. Jamison and Dr. DeLong can determine the position of the wisdom teeth and foretell if there are present or future potential issues. Researches have shown that early detection and treatment produce an excellent prognosis for the patient. Usually, patients are first evaluated at age 14 – 16 by their dentist, orthodontist, or oral and maxillofacial surgeon.
All day-case surgery is done under suitable anesthesia to optimize patient care. Our physicians are trained, licensed, and well vast in administering several kinds of anesthesia for patients.
If there is insufficient space for your third molars to erupt adequately, different problems can occur. It is better to remove Impacted wisdom teeth before the full development of their roots. In some patients, this happens as early as 12 or 13, while some people have till the early twenties. There are more challenges to overcome after the age of 30. Common problems faced with not removing wisdom tooth include:

The most frequent issue encountered is pericoronitis (a localized gum infection). Without adequate space for total eruption, the gum tissue surrounding the wisdom tooth can get infected and irritated, leading to recurrent pain, swelling, chewing, and swallowing problems.

Cyst Formation:
Non-infectious diseases may result from an impacted wisdom tooth. Cysts are fluid-filled spaces within the jaw bone developing from impacted teeth and slowly leads to deterioration of adjacent jaw bone and eventually, the teeth. If removal of wisdom teeth is delayed to later years, treating may be difficult. Occasionally, tumor cells may be associated with the late extraction of wisdom teeth.

Possible Crowding:
Crowding of your teeth may result from impacted wisdom teeth. This is especially true with the front teeth, majorly the ones lower and is usually common after the use of braces. There are several causes of teeth crowding after the use of braces or in early adulthood. Another factor may be retained, impacted wisdom teeth. Unless there is an existing problem when you see the oral surgeon, the aim of tooth extraction is mainly to prevent permanent damage to your gums, teeth, and jaw bone.

Damage to Adjacent Teeth:
If there is enough space to remove dirt around the wisdom tooth, the tooth in front, the second molar tooth, can be adversely affected, leading to bone loss around the tooth, gum disease, or decay.
With the development of wisdom teeth, the roots grow deeper, and there is an increase in jaw bone density. When it is essential to extract impacted teeth in 30 years and above, you could have a longer post-operative course and a high risk of complication. Compared to younger patients, it is more challenging to treat the difficulties, and the outcome is less predictable. There is also a slower rate of healing and an increased risk of infection. If you do not extract your impacted wisdom teeth as a teenager or in your early twenties and they get ultimately impacted in bone, we recommend that you wait till a problem develops (e.g., bone loss, cyst formation, or localized gum disease). Generally, healing takes place faster, it’s predictable and there are lesser complications if treated in the early years.
What happens on the day wisdom teeth are removed?
Most people prefer to have no memory of their wisdom teeth extraction and usually opt for sedation. During your consultation, you will be shown suitable anesthesia for you. All day-case surgeries are done under appropriate anesthesia options to give you the best result. Our staffs have the training, licensing, and knowledge to offer several kinds of anesthesia. They provide these services in a safe environment, using cutting-edge monitoring facilities and highly experienced staff. The Doctors, Surgical Care Team, as well as office facilities are inspected regularly according to regulations of the Board of Dental Examiners.
On the day of your operation, you will be given medications to reduce post-operative swelling and pain. We suggest that the guardian be a parent or responsible adult who will accompany you to our facility and plans to be with you throughout the day. The operation lasts for about 30 to 60 minutes, and you may have to be with us for 90 minutes. Recent developments in medicine and technology enable patients to extract wisdom tooth, promoting quick healing and minimizing post-operative discomfort. Cutting-edge sterilization and infection control methods are used every time.
Six hours or more before your surgery, it is important not to eat or drink anything (excluding prescribed medications with a sip of water). This does not mean you may eat all you can precisely six hours before the surgery. Having food contents in your stomach can enhance the possibility of severe anesthetic complications, such as nausea and vomiting. We will have to reschedule if you do not heed these guidelines. During your consultation, we may prescribe pain relievers for you to get in advance. You will feel comfortable when you eventually sit on the operation chair. If sedation is required, we will secure intravenous access on your left arm. This is a quick and almost painless procedure that enables the optimal delivery of your drugs. You will also be given local anesthesia immediately for convenience and to allow enough time to get home and rest. You will remain drowsy for a significant part of the day.

The Day of Treatment
Ensure an adult accompanies you at the time of removal. Plan to come with a responsible guardian who will be with you throughout the day, following extraction of wisdom tooth.
f stitches are required during your surgery, they are usually absorbable and dissolve within 5 days with no need for removal. Your gums may also swell and pull away from your teeth. This is all expected and will subside in some days.
Once the local anesthesia loses its effect, you may need an analgesic. Please try non-opioid anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen (Advil®) first, to see if it makes you feel better. If not, commence other pain relievers. The local anesthesia’s effect may last until the next day, and should not be mistaken for a nerve injury. We advise that you start your post-operative meals with clear fluids like jello and broths, gradually advance to solids.
Kindly avoid dairy products like ice cream, yogurt, or milkshakes on the surgery day, as you may also have nausea and vomiting along with the anesthetic and pain killers. If you are using antibiotics together with birth control pills, please note that the birth control pills may no longer work; therefore, take necessary precautions.
Several factors determine the cost of treatment. These include how difficult it is to extract your teeth and the most appropriate anesthesia for you. At the time of the consultation, the surgeon will require your x-rays, do an examination for you and decide the best choice for anesthesia before you are given a financial cost. Every insurance organization has a different policy as regards the percentage covered for any surgical operation. Our staff will help you get the best insurance coverage peculiar to your treatment.
During your initial appointment, we discuss your situation extensively. Please ask any questions you have. If you will like to make further inquiries after your consultation, please call us on 704-865-7603 to speak to one of our representatives.

Surgery Day
Avoid any drinks or meals on the day of your surgery. As drinking or eating increases the possibility of severe anesthetic complications.